joi, 7 noiembrie 2013


Soare-al diminetii
Ivzor al vietii
Speranta mi-a daruit
Cu iubire m-a acoperit
Lumea buna n-a pierit....

Frig al noptii
Strigatul mortii
Ceata fumurie
Viata povestea-si rescrie...

The master is the time...

I know that time will choose
What will happen next
I know that it knows what is good or bad
I just hope that it will hear
My darkest prayers in this night
And make me get through just
Just one real good life ...

I just wanna hear it now
I'm not so bad at all
And realize What I've been through
To make tomorrow change

I just wanna hear it now
I'm not gonna bend or break
And see this life I'm going through
Chaging day by day....

Looking in my heart so dark
Thinking just to break the night
To see your light so bright...