marți, 17 noiembrie 2015


Demons in my head
Angels in my heart
I'll never stop
'Til I'm dead
I'll always hope
'Til I fall hard...

These nights I'm fearless
Beyond the wind
My heart is careless
'Till there you find
Peace of mind

All I need to know
Rides on this mind
Cold winds will blow
But these thoughts are bind...

sâmbătă, 14 noiembrie 2015


Dark eyes burning fire
Conected without a wire
Watching the wolrd from spire
Destroying you,you are a crier

Blood now will flow
On it's way down low
Freaking all these lives
Away with their lies...

marți, 20 octombrie 2015


Remember me ,for now I'll fly
Somewhere deep in the big blue sky
Chances that I might have been
Somewhere peaceful and clean

These dirty roads that I have walked
I left behind cuz now I'm done
They never last,as I have seen
No time to cry for what I have been

My end is my begining as I saw
From these lives I should've feed
Taking the happiness that I need
Too late for now,it's time to flow

vineri, 9 octombrie 2015


Time's ticking
Time to go
Somewhere so far
Away from now
Transform the pain
Away from rain
Like stars in the sky
I need to fly         
Away so high
No need to last 
Just make it fast
Away in dust ...

joi, 8 octombrie 2015


"Parul lung si bandana sunt atributele tale.Esti inalt,deci demn de luat in seama.Cel mai greu e cu zambetul tau pentru ca e indescifrabil de cele mai multe ori.Ai si sange rece si cald,poti sa strivesti cu bocancul,dar stii sa daruiesti si un trandafir.Esti inteligent si ai caracter.Stii sa tii o prietenie si stii cum sa protejezi, daca sufletul tau e implicat."

O scurta caracterizare facuta de o prietena speciala,un psiholog priceput, stie ce zice,mai ales acest psiholog :D :)...Multumesc mult Manu.

miercuri, 6 mai 2015


Ceata nesfarsita
La cap de drum lumina stinsa
Umbra neagra ,fumurie
Drum de gheata,albastrie

Raza intunecata
Ce te'asezi in cale
Pe drum te plimbi agale
Pleaca'n departare

Secunda,te prefaci in veac
In mintea mea aud si tac
Rascolesti tot ce'am adunat
Mai e ceva de alungat?

duminică, 25 ianuarie 2015

Dream of loving...

For so long
I tried to get along
With my life
Sometimes I feel so strong
But somehow I can't take no more

This life I'm living
I can't believe
Everytime I try to reach my dream
My dream of loving
I can't believe
Everytime I'm falling
Somehow I'm feeling
That I'll get no love

All this time
I just wasted
These years are painted
In black colors of my soul
Losing all my life control...

This life I'm living
I can't believe
Everytime I try to reach my dream
My dream of loving
I can't believe
Everytime I'm falling
Somehow I'm feeling
That I'll get no love

So in the end
I just think I'll bend
In the cruel wind
Falling to my ground
'Cuz no love I found
Maybe's not for me.....

joi, 22 ianuarie 2015


Here I'm fighting
A fight that I can't win
Here I'm drowning
On the sand
Wich have been clean

Just one more road
'Til the end is near
Just one more thought
Until I see it clear...

One jar of light
For everytime I've lost
One feeling restrained
Everytime I shouldn't break down
I know I should never lose my wings
But here I'm falling ,endlessly....